Science Fiction - Research and Production

Science Fiction - Research and Production

Conventions of Science fiction:

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  • Setting - time => the future, alternative timeline, or a historical past that contradicts historical records.
  • Setting - place => outer space, other worlds, or alternatives visions of earth.
  • Film techniques => special effects, close ups of futuristic technologies/ scientific elements.
  • Narrative elements => conflict between good and evil.
  • Narrative elements => the development and/ or application of;
  • a) new technologies ( eg; robots, nanotechnology, spaceships )
  • b) new scientific principles ( eg; time travel )
  • c) new political system ( eg; dystopian, utopian societies )
  • Symbolism => futuristic props, costumes and setting that represents the scientific advancement at the centre of the film.

Sci-fi Codes and Conventions:

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  • Characters => typical scientist to explain the science theories, aliens or species discovered, evil scientist, villain and a person in charge ( eg; commander )
  • Heroes => mainly human
  • Villain => alien or unknown species, possibly be human
  • Settings => space, rockets, solar system, universes or other dimension
  •  Stereotypes => time travel, futuristic/ advanced technologies
  • Costumes => space suits, weapons, uniform
  • Music and sound effects => rocket ship engines, unknown alien language, computers, diegetic and none diegetic music, robots/ machines
  • Use of colour/ lighting => darkness of space, bright lights from the stars and neutral colours.
  • Camera shots => use various shots such as; long shot ( to show the planet or galaxy ), medium shot ( to show the actions taking place ), close up ( emotions and representation of characters )
  • Story line => beginning, middle, climax, resolution, ending or a cliff hanger.
  • Editing => special effects, CGI, green screen, flash backs, flash forwards.

Science fiction elements:

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  • Temporal settings in the future or in alternative history
  • Spatial settings or scenes ( universe, galaxy, space )
  • Aspects of biology in fiction ( aliens, unknown species, mutants, enhanced humans )
  • Speculative or predicted technologies ( brain computer interface, bio-engineering, super intelligent computers, robots, ray guns or advanced weapons )
  • Undiscovered scientific possibilities ( teleportation, time travel )
  • New and different political and social systems ( Utopia, dystopian )
  •  Future history and evolution of humans and planets
  • Paranormal activities ( telepathy, mind control )

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