Film Noir

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Film Noir 

Intro to Film Noir:

  • Black film refers to the mood or atmosphere of film. ( Bleak and pessimistic )
  • Distinctive look - contrast between darkness and light.
  • Visual style - an aesthetic or genre stylish crime drama.
  • French film critic Nino Frank in 1946 used it to describe the bleak but stylistically expressive films emerging from Hollywood in the early 1940s.
  • Made by European film makers who fled from Europe due to World War 2.
  • They were influenced by German expressionism.
  • Pessimistic outlook due to the brutality of the war.
  • Classic period: 1941-1958.
  • First film noir: The Maltese Falcon directed by John Huston
  • Last film noir: A Touch of Evil directed by Orson Welles.

Image result for classic film noir

Film Noir's unique visual style:

  • Light and darkness
  • Shadows
  • Silhouettes 
  • Blinds and bars
  • Strange camera angles 
  • High contrast
  • Black and white  

Narrative Elements:

  • Use of flashbacks.
  • Use of voice over for the main protagonist to give the voice to inner feelings and alienation.
  • Complicated and twisting plots and subplots.
  • Sudden reverse in fortune.
  • Circular narratives 
  • A network of minor characters.
  • Tragic Ending.

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