Editing - Cuts and Transitions

Editing - Cuts and transitions

Q1. What is the most basic edit  and what does it do?
- Cut which is going from one shot to another shot.

Q2. What is the purposes of a simple cut?
- Changing perspectives and advancing the story.

Q3. What is cutting on action?
- Cutting from one shot to another while the subject is still in motion.

Q4. Give three examples of action cuts.
- Punching, throwing, kicking and going from door to door.

Q5. What is a cut away?
- Cutting into an intsert shot of something and back.

Q6. What is the purpose of a cut away shot?
- To get inside the head of the character.

Q7. What is cross cutting? Give an example
- When the editor intercuts back and forth locations and an example is during a phone conversations.

Q8. What effects can cross cutting be used to achieve.
- It can increase the tension and suspense of the sequence and also used to show what is going on inside the character's head.

Q9. What is a jump cut? Explain its purpose.
-When the editor cuts between the same shot and deliberately used to show the passing of time. Also used to add a snese of urgency in the shot.

Q10. Explain what a match cut is and give an example.
- It cuts from one shot to a similar shot by either matching the act or the composition and mainly used in transitions. An example is jumping from one place to another.

Q11. What is a transition?
- The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

Q12 What is meant by fade in fade out?
- Dissolving to or from black.

Q13.How is a fade in fade out different to a dissolve? Are they used for different purposes? Make a table.
- Dissolve is blending one shot to another which is used to show the passing of time and to merge shots.

Q14. What is a smash cut?
- They are arupt transitions and an example is waking up from a nightmare. Going from quiet to intense or intense to quiet.

Q15. What is the iris transition?
- Back in the days it was an in camera effect when you can manually open and close your iris to transition to black. Nowdays, this is used as a stylisic choice.

Q16. What is a wipe?
- A wipe is when the shot moves left, right, top or bottom as a wipe but there are many more different types of wipes.

 Q17. What is an invisible Cut?
- This is used to give an impression of a single take however cuts are hidden in darkness/ blackness or you can hide the cut on the motion of the camera movement.

Q18. What is the purpose of L cuts and J cuts?
- L cut is an audio based transition. This is when the audio from the current shot carries over the the nest shot and is used in scene transiotions and when characters are having a conversation. J cut is when the audio from the next scene starts before you get to it so you hear what is going on before you see what is going on. These two cuts are used to create a seemless flow and a seemless transition with an audio guiding the way.

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